As part of our ‘Sustainability Matters’ thought leadership series, Neil Chandaria interviewed Elon Datt and Daniel Scoble at Tapt By Hatch. Tapt By Hatch is revolutionising the way we network in a sustainable way, by providing a Digital Business Card solution, saving 7.8 million trees annually!
You can watch the full episode here, or read the transcript below to find out how their solution works, and how you can drive greater sustainability in your business networking.
Welcome to our sustainability thought leader series, where we’ll be speaking with Australia’s most progressive leaders in sustainability, renewable energy, and ESG.
To that effect today I’m joined by Tapt By Hatch Global Head of Sales, Daniel Scoble, and we’re privileged to have Elon Datt with us who is one of the founders.
Tapt By Hatch was founded in 2020, and here at Advance Careers we have rolled out their product, and our clients and candidates are really enjoying seeing it.
Thanks guys, thanks for being here!
Elon and Daniel: Hi Neil.
Who are Tapt by Hatch
Neil: So guys can you give us a quick rundown of Tapt By Hatch, talk to us about the business and how you came up with the idea?
Elon:“Absolutely, yeah so here at Tapt we offer a digital business card essentially, as opposed to the conventional way of having heaps of paper business cards and distributing them to people, and not really knowing what to do with their contact details.
With our solution, you can take the card and tap it on someone’s phone to pass on your contact information.
So really what we’re trying to revolutionise is the way that we network. Integral to that networking process is exchanging details, which is essentially what we’re trying to solve.
We immediately were attracted to that kind of solution where you could tap a card on someone’s phone, given that we tap credit cards to pay for anything really.
Impact on Sustainability
Neil: Brilliant. Look, fantastic product we use it ourselves, it’s certainly a talking point when we’re talking to clients and candidates alike, and people really like it so it’s certainly making the right impact. But talk to us about where you see your business making an impact in sustainability and the environment. Talk to us about the card itself.
Elon: So the card itself is made from recycled plastic and essentially we’re trying to stop people from printing 500 or 1000 business cards. The amount of people that will talk to us and say “hey listen we were given a box of business cards and then our job title changed all of a sudden we’re now given another box of business cards” and all they really do is they sit in a draw and ultimately get thrown out.
We’re really trying to solve that problem, so by providing a sustainable eco-friendly business card, you can tap on someone’s phone as opposed to actually giving it to anyone, for it to be thrown out is our way of doing that.
Daniel: So just moreover on that point Neil, the statistics show that 7.8 million trees are cut down annually, just for business cards alone! So we’re moving away from that to a recycled alternative which is, one card, reusable, digital version, will certainly make an impact globally.
Neil: Fantastic, and what type of businesses are you seeing come to you for your solution?
Daniel: A lot of Property, essentially forward-facing Sales organisations, where you know ironically I mean we’re a contactless solution, but we work in the face-to-face meeting space. So any anywhere where humans deal with humans and work with them. So like I said Property is a big one for us, and a number of other industries as well the Conference space as well is a huge one.
Elon: The beauty of the product I would say is that it’s really suitable for any industry regardless of the business you’re in. You will require some you know frontline soldiers you’re going to need people out there meeting people and so regardless of the business type, or the industry it’s always going to be somewhat you know practical to use our cards.
Neil: Yeah absolutely, I have to say the only place that I’m losing at the moment is where you have to do a business card drop as a door prize. I’m missing out on my potential there at the moment, but hopefully people can find a solution to that at some point.
Daniel: Yeah thanks we’re working on it.
Neil: Oh you are! Okay well there you go, inside scoop. And finally just to wrap up, what are the benefits to customers using your solution? What are the top three benefits to any customer out there that you potentially or currently working with?
Top 3 Benefits of using Tapt
Elon: For the first one it’s right now just given the times, the fact that it’s a contact-free business card, I would say is at the top of that list. The ability for people to network now without making physical contact with people and given COVID, has been huge for us. It’s a hygiene conscious solution, and it’s showing, your clients and customers that, you are playing your bit.
The second would be the sustainability point, which is, it’s more of a long term solution, everyone needs to, adopt to sustainable practices, and this is just obviously a small piece in that. It’s already showing your customers from the get-go that you are adopting sustainable practices.
And then the third one which is the most practical I would say, for businesses at the moment is the ability to update your contact information. So given that it is a digital business card all of our clients get access to a dashboard, where they can manage their cards, and essentially if someone would have moved positions at a specific job, if they move from an Associate to Associate Director, or something like that, you can log in and you can edit those details, and that will actually update on your card. So as opposed to again having to go out and buy more business cards you can edit that information. So I’d say those are our top three but obviously, you know, there’s a lot more.
1. Hygenic and Contact free
2. Sustainable and Reusable
3. Easy to update Contact details
Neil: Absolutely, and I can testament to that, we’re about to change one of our numbers and it’s a lot smoother just jumping in the back of a very easy to use platform and just updating it, rather than getting a whole new batch of business cards printed. So I would agree with that point wholeheartedly. Well guys thank you very much for your time today.
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